What has been taught to our generation and what is being fed
into the heads of the current generation needs to be
re-looked by the policy makers!
Being an educated person means one has access to optimal
states of mind regardless of the situation one is in and
though the basic aim of education has always been to
sensitize the scholars to the various situations of life,
creating a reflex system in the mind whereby decision-making
is justified and resultantly, action comes in handy, it is
unacceptable to see that undue emphasis is being put on
‘learning’ things which will be of scant use in life.
Importance is being attached to memorizing than on
responsiveness. |
A child's mind is a highly productive machine. We as
teachers need to make sure that we tune this machine in such
a manner that it becomes responsive and in turn, helps the
child become a successful, supportive and satisfied human
being for teacher isn't worth a great deal if he teaches
young people how to make a living but doesn't teach them how
to make a life.
To me, education is useless if it doesn’t agitate the human
mind. Education has to stir the otherwise programmed brain
to think and think differently. Education must tell the
learner that it is important for one to think out of the
box, for history is not scripted by people who have a
programmed mind, but by heroes who dared to think
differently and acted accordingly.
It is a process that must be initiated by the teachers. It
is a foregone conclusion that teachers effectively affect
the lives of every child they come in touch with. Here, it
becomes the primary responsibility of the teachers to sow
the seed in their pupils to think and act differently.
Teachers must themselves think and teach differently. All
teachers have role models, whose gestures and mannerisms
inadvertently drive them on. Without realising that
generations and demands of time have charged, teachers
continue to imitate them. A lot of water has flown ever
since. Teachers must teach in a manner so that their pupils
are able to address the demands of changing times. And it
becomes equally important for the teacher to make sure that
pupils remain sensitive to their immediate surroundings and
keep their emotional side awaked to the demands, first of
the family, followed by the society, which ultimately
sensitizes them to the demands of the nation. It is a great
task and would need humungous efforts from teachers of today
and tomorrow. They have a task cut out for them.
We, at Red Rose Group, believe that children are the most
valuable treasure of their parents and when the parents
entrust us with the responsibility of their children, we
must make sure that the faith that they have reposed in us
must remain intact. We believe that we are responsible and
accountable. It is a constant endeavor at our end to make
our teachers think and act differently and make sure that
the effect passes on to the newer, more alive, more
informed, more awakened, more versatile, more amiable and
hence, more demanding generation. |